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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Michael Drake

About Us


Build and maintain strong working relationships with public officials and their staff. Raise awareness and understanding about OARDC (Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center) and OSU Extension among these individuals.


  • Monitor and affect appropriate budgetary, legislative and regulatory actions of public officials.
  • Identify emerging issues, develop strategy and advocate for OSU Extension, OARDC and the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
  • Work collaboratively with a variety of appropriate partners to serve Ohio's agricultural industry, citizens and communities through effective government relations supporting research and extension programs.
  • Market OSU Extension and OARDC to public officials through grass-roots events and strategic communications.
  • Develop volunteer advocates who support the work of the organizations.


  • College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Administration
  • OSU Extension Administration
  • Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center Administration
  • State Extension Advisory Committee
  • OARDC Advisory Committee
  • College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Faculty and Staff
  • Ohio State Univeristy Government Affairs Staff
  • External Entities, such as APLU and the Ohio State University Advocates