The Ohio State University, through the College of Food, Agricultural, and Envrionmental Sciences (CFAES) and Ohio State Extension, contiune to support the local response and needs after the East Palestine train derailment. From April 10th – 21st, 16 agricultural field sites were sampled to test for the detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Sample collection and subsequent testing is occurring to address concerns from the local agricultural community on the possible presence of VOCs in winter wheat, pasture grass, malting barley, and forage covers.
Analysis of these collected samples began on May 3rd at specialized laboratories within CFAES' Department of Food Science and Technology, and will run continuously through May 8th. A slight delay in analysis occurred after the initial sample collection so that the labs could properly calibrate the testing protocols, thus generating the most precise and defensible data possible.
CFAES will continue to maintain close contact and coordination with the Ohio Department of Agriculture as these plant tissue samples are analyzed and results are prepared for dissemination to farmers and other organizational partners.