May 2, 2017
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Put 100 teenagers in the woods for a week, in a place with spotty cellphone service, and you’d think they’d be bored.
But teach them about the nature there, allow time for fishing and swimming, offer the occasional climb up a 10-story oak tree, and “the kids really seem to love it,” said Marne Titchenell, co-director of the Ohio Forestry Association’s 66th annual Forestry and Wildlife Conservation Camp.
May 2, 2017
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Whether talking to farmers in France, Ghana or southern Ohio, Rafiq Islam’s message is consistent: Tilling the land does more long-term damage than good.
As an Ohio State University soil scientist, Islam is among the disciples in the movement to convince farmers that plowing their fields before they plant or after they harvest harms the health of the soil and its ability to spur growth and resist erosion.
Mar 1, 2017
COLUMBUS, Ohio – The Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences’ new director of government affairs comes not only with rich experience in the state legislature, executive branch of state government, and in an advocacy role for policy and funding at the state and national levels, he also agricultural roots from a childhood growing up on a corn, soybean and hog farm in Champaign County.
Adam Ward, executive director of the Ohio Soybean Association, is expected to begin his new position March 6.
Jan 18, 2017
PIKETON, Ohio — The hops industry is booming in Ohio, and organizers of The Ohio State University Hops Conference and Trade Show on Feb. 24-25 have brewed up a program that will keep the learning flowing for beginner and advanced growers alike.
“There was an estimated 200 acres of hops planted in Ohio on 80 farms in 2016, up from 10 acres on four farms in 2014,” said Brad Bergefurd, horticulture specialist with Ohio State University Extension and one of the conference organizers. The event is co-sponsored by the Ohio Hop Growers Guild.
Jan 18, 2017
COLUMBUS, Ohio — When Bill Hildebolt worked as a product development researcher at Campbell Soup Co., one of his responsibilities was to keep abreast of any negative reports concerning the company’s products.
Hildebolt, who led the team that developed Prego Spaghetti Sauce during his tenure at the company, remembers being surprised and angered at the sometimes exaggerated criticisms leveled against food and agriculture.
Jan 18, 2017
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ten experts from The Ohio State University will be among the 100-plus presenters at this year’s annual conference of the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association.
Organizers call the event, which is Feb. 9-11 in Dayton, the largest sustainable agriculture conference in Ohio.
Jan 18, 2017
Dec 19, 2016
I want to serve our traditional pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day, but my teenage daughter is discouraging me, saying she wants to start the year more healthfully. Is pork and sauerkraut not very healthy?
Pork and sauerkraut — a small amount of sauerkraut, anyway — can star at the center of a perfectly healthful meal, so that's no reason to do away with your edible New Year's good luck charm.
Dec 19, 2016
(In 2016, the Rural Roles series featured 12 different voices within the agriculture industry who make a difference and often go unrecognized. This is the final piece in the series.)
COLUMBUS — “Sometimes when I tell people that I do ag law, they go ‘what is that?’ Well, take just about any area of law and apply it to agriculture and that’s ag law,” said Peggy Hall.
Dec 19, 2016
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Despite low commodity prices, Ohio farmers can stay in the black in 2017 — but they will need to tighten their belts and slash expenses, said Barry Ward, agricultural economist at The Ohio State University.
“Farmers need to reevaluate all of their inputs in general, and focus on those things that give a clear ROI (return on investment) when corn is bringing $3.50 to $4 per bushel,” said Ward, who works for Ohio State University Extension, the outreach arm of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.
Ward’s nine strategies: