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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Join us for The Plate and Beyond

    Join the OSU Extension, Live Healthy Live Well team as they provide a March, National Nutrition Month, Webinar Series. Four weeks of webinars covering the basics, food and friends/family, food and travel, and the importance of nutrition at every stage of ...

  2. Virtual Volunteer Info Sessions

    Interested in learning about volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum?  Whether you are an OSU Alumni, a Master Gardener Volunteer, a student, or a community member, volunteering at Chadwick Arboretum is an incredible way to give back in the way that you enjoy ...

  3. Living Well: The Plate and Beyond

      Join the OSU Extension, Live Healthy Live Well team as they provide a March, National Nutrition Month, Webinar Series. Four weeks of webinars covering the basics, food and friends/family, food and travel, and the importance of nutrition at every stage o ...

  4. Extension Faculty Meeting


  5. Extension Faculty Meeting


  6. Extension Faculty Meeting


  7. February Ag Outlook and Policy Meetings

    There is still time to register for plenty of opportunities to learn more coming up in February. The Regional Agricultural Outlook and Policy Meetings hosted by Ohio State University Extension continues to roll with 3 more offerings left. Each meeting bri ...

  8. Meet Your New Forage Extension State Specialist – Dr. Emma Matcham

    We are excited to introduce Dr. Emma Matcham as the new Forage Extension State Specialist. Emma started her position in the Department of Horticulture and Crop Science on January 1st and will be an active member of the Ohio State University Agronomic Crop ...

  9. 2025 Corn College & Soybean School

    Join us on February 27th for the 5 th annual virtual Corn College and Soybean School presented by the Ohio State University Extension Agronomic Crops Team. The program will run from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM and feature OSU Extension field and state specialists ...

  10. Hot, Dry, and Extreme 2024

    Temperatures There are many weather stories from 2024, fueled mostly by above average temperatures throughout the year. In fact, 2024 was the warmest year on record for the world, the U.S., and Ohio. All but two counties in Ohio had their warmest year on ...
