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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Office working Remotely 2/17/2025

    Attention: Monday our staff will be working remotely and our office will be closed. **If you signed up for Quality Assurance it is at the Duke Lundgard Building at the Miami County Fairgrounds** Contact information for: Family and Consumer Sciences-Alisha ...

  2. 4-H Enrollment-OPEN!

    Here's your chance to be apart of the largest youth development organization in the United States! Enrollment for Miami County 4-H is currently happening now until March 28.  Enroll today at ...

  3. Staff Working Remotely February 17

    Monday February 17 is Presidents Day.  As the Champaign County government offices are closed on this holiday, the OSU Extension Office staff will be working remotely. We will be happy to assist you via phone or email, so please reach out if you need us.  ...

  4. Turf Students Place 5th in the GCSAA Turf Bowl!

    Shoutout to Jake Miller, Zach Beier, Evan Flory, and Trevor Sheets on this achievement. Get a glimpse into the conference and competition... ...

  5. Daniel Doretto

    Daniel Doretto Lead Research Technician Kottman Hall (310F) BS Agronomic Engineering- São Paulo State University (2021) I'm primarily responsible for overseeing the Weed Ecology & Management Lab's greenhouse and field resea ...

  6. Ohio State part of multistakeholder group looking for systemwide answers to food waste problems Marquee Slide Gray Marquee ...

  7. Thriving in Your First Semester of Grad School: Essential Tips for Success

    Who better to dole out advice on this topic- than some grad students who just thrived in their first semester of grad school! See what tips Sumita + Frolence have for anyone considering grad school... ...

  8. Agribusiness Club gains industry insights through field trip over winter break Marquee Slide Scarlet Marquee ...

  9. AEDE Agribusiness Club gains industry insights through field trip over winter break

    [COLUMBUS] With a goal to gain some real-world exposure of unique agriculture opportunities in a different region of the country, Ohio State’s Agribusiness Club took a field trip to Louisiana and Mississippi over their 2024 winter break. Twenty students i ...

  10. Brenda Medina Privatt

    Brenda Medina Privatt MS (Nangle/Sessoms) Wooster I'm anticipating graduating Autumn 2027 Research Focus: My research focuses on a novel soy-based product. We are currently in the second year of a project in collaboration with ...
