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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Geddy Davis

    Geddy Davis Weather & Climate Services Program Coordinator Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center ...

  2. 2025-03


  3. Box Tree Moth: What Should You Do?


  4. Box Tree Moth: Detection


  5. Box Tree Moth: Range and Spread


  6. Art of Gardening Seminar

    Join the Allen Co. Master Gardener's 24th Annual Art of Gardening Seminar held on Saturday, March 15th at the Lima Campus. The cost of the event is $50.00 that includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, handouts and speakers.  This year the speak ...

  7. Allen Co. Master Gardener's Annual Art of Gardening Seminar

    Join the Allen Co. Master Gardener's 24th Annual Art of Gardening Seminar held on Saturday, March 15th at the Lima Campus. The cost of the event is $50.00 that includes continental breakfast, lunch, snacks, handouts and speakers.  This year the speak ...

  8. 4-H Advisory Council meeting

    4-H Advisory Council meeting. All additional agenda items must be submitted to Lauren by Friday, March 21 at 4pm. ...

  9. 4-H L.E.A.D. Conference

    L.E.A.D. (Learn, Educate, Advise, and Discover) Conference offers sessions for club officers to learn about his or her position, a new 4-H member orientation, and other great sessions to help youth get the most of their 4-H experience. Sessions will also ...

  10. Quality Assurance- Hancock County

    4-H and FFA members taking a livestock project to the fair must complete Quality Assurance to be able to show at the Hancock County Fair. If you have questions, please feel free to contact the office at 419-422-3851. ...
