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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Important Dates for SP 25

    Monday, Feb. 17: Registration opens for Summer 2025 term; refer to Buckeyelink for enrollment appts. Friday, Feb. 21: Last day of Session 1 classes Wednesday, Feb. 26: First day of Session 2 classes Friday, Mar. 21: Last day petition to use Grade Forgiven ...

  2. Febraury 10- 16, 2025


  3. Get ready for Buckeye Love!

    As Buckeyes we are passionate and compassionate about sharing kindness. Throughout the month of February, and even year round, take 2 minutes to Give Kudos to another student, faculty or staff that you appreciate, this is your chance to say something. Or ...

  4. Storing, Using, and Marketing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio


  5. Growing Currants, Gooseberries, and Jostaberries in Ohio


  6. Relay Intercropping Soybean Into Winter Wheat


  7. IMPLAN Extension Reports

    OSU Extension's IMPLAN User Team is interested in sharing timely economic reports with area leaders and other county staff on county or regional economies. IMPLAN is an economic input-output tool licensed by the CD unit that offers unique data sets f ...

  8. Wooster Fire Department on campus

    Starting tomorrow and continuing through Thursday you will see Wooster Fire Department vehicles and apparatus parked around Thorne Hall. ...

  9. Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended

    Pickleball tournaments registration has been extended until Friday February 7 th. There are both singles and doubles tournaments. These tournaments are open to all BuckID holders and players can sign up to compete in both the singles and doubles tournamen ...

  10. LAST DAY for ATI apparel shop

    We will have an online store through BSN sports with Ohio State ATI apparel. Some mock ups are below. ATI is on the sleeves or sides of the caps. The team shop runs until midnight on Monday (2/3). The shop will close at 11:59:59pm on 2/3. https://bsnteams ...
