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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Fairfield County Endowment Fund Information

    Fairfield County 4-H Endowment The Fairfield County 4-H Endowment was established on May 5, 2006. Leadership for the 4-H Endowment is provided by the Endowment Board, a group of local volunteers, serving three-year terms, committed to complimenting local ...

  2. Eight Easy Exercises for Financial Fitness

    The steps in the budgeting process can be overwhelming if you haven’t done them before or if you don’t understand how to do them. The tool that will be shared in this session, Eight Easy Steps to Financial Fitness, will help you plan for a budget that wil ...

  3. Cloverbud Program

    The Cloverbud Program is an activity-based group for youth age 5 and in kindergarten through age 8 as of January 1st.  There are no projects or project books for the youth, other than the optional My Cloverbud Year record book.  Each Cloverbud group is al ...

  4. Healthy Meals on a Budget

    Don’t let the 6:00 dinner panic get you down! Come learn both the nutritional benefits and the cost savings of preparing healthy meals. This program, taught by Shannon Carter from OSU Extension, provides practical education on food selection, purchasing, ...

  5. Club Advisor Resources

    State Resources Club Chartering and Management: Club Finances Ohio 4-H Volunteer Handbook County Resources County-wide Fundraisers Kroger Fundraiser sheet  pdf Fairfield County Advisor's Handbook  (v2021) Forms and Resources 4-H Club Constitution  Te ...

  6. Home


  7. How Do I Become a Master Gardener?

    You can be a Master Gardener if: You want to learn more about plants and gardening. You are eager to participate in practical and intensive training programs. You enjoy sharing your knowledge with others. You have the time to attend training and serve you ...

  8. Master Gardener Volunteers

    The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through the ...

  9. Blast Off! Parenting Series

    2024-25 Blast Off! A free-to-attend online parent education, in which I use Active Parenting curricula--videos and discussions to introduce information concepts that may help participants to improve their parenting. Blast Off! is three 4-session series, e ...

  10. Through the Vine Newsletter

    Through the Vine is a quarterly newsletter of the OSU Extension Fairfield County Master Gardener Volunteers. In 2022, volunteers contributed 96 hours to create the newsletter.  The newsletter received 3rd place in the Annual OSU Extension Createive Works ...
