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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Will We Finally Reach Consensus? Discussions on COP21, the 2015 Paris Climate Conference

    Why is Consensus Important? As the world continues to experience the impacts of climate change, there is a growing call for international consensus on specific actions to keep temperature increases below 2 degrees Celsius. There is overwhelming scientific ...

  2. How to Keep Your Forest Healthy: July 23 Workshop on Stopping Invasive Insects

    The Geauga Park District’s Big Creek Park will host a workshop on how to spot and manage invasive forest pests, such as the emerald ash borer, on July 23 from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.  Included will be details on a new threat, the spotted lanternfly, which has ...

  3. Engaging OSU Students in Conservation Practices and Planning

    May Session at The Ohio State University offers students a unique opportunity to experience study abroad or enroll in intensive field-based learning courses. ENR 5194 Conservation Practices and Planning: Ag and Urban engages students in real world applica ...

  4. EPN December Breakfast

    The Environmental Professional Network will present Tapping into Social Media, Green Investing and Other Tools to Fund Your Environmental Project or Enterprise. Presenter and moderator for this program will be Stephanie Boron, Financial Services. Panelist ...

  5. Ohio State Fans: 7 Things to Know About Growing an Ohio Buckeye Tree

    Spring’s a great time for Buckeye nuts to plant their own source of buckeye nuts.  Experts at The Ohio State University say the Ohio buckeye makes a good yard tree, though with caveats, and does best when put in before summer’s heat. Fall planting, too, i ...

  6. Reflections on Biking To Work

    Today Columbus and other cities throughout the world will celebrate Bike to Work Day. To celebrate, we are sharing a few reflections by School of Environment and Natural Resources faculty and staff on biking to work. ...

  7. Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital: Are They Assets or Liabilities?

    Cassie Phillips, Vice President, Sustainable Forestry at Weyerhaeuser, will present the Environmental Policy Initiative Seminar on Dec. 4th in Room 105 of the Agricultural Administration Building as part of the AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. Her p ...

  8. Teaching Excellence Recognized

    Congratulations to Associate Professor Brian Lower and Lecturer Greg Hitzhusen, who are recipients of this year's North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Educator Award! The awards presentation is this week at NACTA’s 2015 annual ...

  9. Assistant Professor to study long-term, post-wildfire changes in sagebrush ecosystems

    Matt Davies, an assistant professor of soil and plant community restoration in the School of Environment and Natural Resources at The Ohio State University was awarded funding to study long-term, post-wildfire changes in the sagebrush ecosystems of easter ...

  10. Holiday

    The Ohio State University and all OSU Extension offices are closed. ...
