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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Finding and Applying for Jobs on USAJOBS and What Happens after You Apply Webinar

    The US Office of Personnel Management is offering a webinar on Finding and Applying for Jobs on USAJOBS and What Happens after You Apply.  Register through HIREABUCKEYE. This is the second of four webinars being offer. ...

  2. Holiday Table Decorations

      MGV Cheryl Miller will be creating arrangements for the holiday table which will include ideas for smaller accent pieces appropriate for a side table or mantel, and larger arrangements for the holiday dinner/buffet table. She will be  utilizing many nat ...

  3. A Day in the Woods- 2nd Friday Series

    See  brochure  for more information. “A Day in the Woods” and the “2nd Friday Series” are sponsored by the Education and Demonstration Subcommittee of the Vinton Furnace State Forest with support from Ohio State University Extension, ODNR-Divisions of For ...

  4. Morrow County Office

    5362 US Highway 42, Suite 101 Mt. Gilead Ohio 43338 419-947-1070 Visit the Morrow County Office website County Office ...

  5. Parks and Rec to Red River Gorge Trip

    For those looking for a super duper awesome shmawesome Fall Break Trip: sign up to go to Red River Gorge. Thursday 10/15- Sunday 10/18. Cost: $40 (could decrease a tad if things work out well:) and BYOB** email to join in. ...

  6. Pranietha Mudliar's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    Pranietha Mudliar, PhD Candidate in Environmental Social Sciences, will present her Doctoral Scholarly Seminar, Institutions for Collective Action in Heterogeneous Communities. Her presentation will be held in 245 Kottman Hall. ...

  7. Land's End: Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier

    The Geography Colloquium Series welcomes Tania Murray Li, Professor of Anthropology, University of Toronto. Li will present Land's End: Capitalist Relations on an Indigenous Frontier in 1080 Derby Hall. Click here for the flyer and more information. ...

  8. 4-H Shooting Sports Orientation Meeting

    Link to an informational flyer for 2016 Hancock County Shooting Sports Orientation and Safe Use of Guns Clinics All 4-H members planning to participate in Hancock County's 4-H Shooting Sports Program are encouraged to attend this meeting! In addition ...

  9. Buckeye trees focus of Columbus Dispatch Article

    Roger Williams, an associate professor of forest ecosystem analysis and management in the School of Environment and Natural Resources is quoted in an article published in The Columbus Dispatch on Monday (11/24). In the article,  "Climate change could ...

  10. Planet Labs Manager to Discuss Earth-imaging Data

    Joe Mascaro, program manager for impact initiatives at Planet Labs, will speak about Everywhere, Everyday: Democratizing Information about our Changing Planet at 4 p.m. Thursday (10/8) in Room 0170, 209 W. 18th Ave. Planet Labs is a San Francisco-based ae ...
