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CD Wire- July 28, 2014
Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: Sharing Your Good Work (and Learning from Others) I know December seems like a long way off and the official call for Extension ...
CD Wire- September 4, 2012
AD Update: Conference Presentation Opportunity in Ohio – December 5 Looking for an opportunity to share a specific skill, promote a particular program, or discuss a topic of interest to Extension colleagues in Ohio? The OSU Extension 2012 Annual Conferenc ...
CD Wire- September 10, 2012
AD Update: Investing in 'Team' In a couple of weeks, we’ll have a chance to spend some time together at the annual CD Unit Retreat. I get excited when I think about the work we do, the way we work together, and the seemingly endless opportunitie ...
CD Wire- September 17, 2012
AD Update: Needs Assessment Survey on Climate Change Adaptation- Complete by September 26 Our colleagues in the Great Lakes Regional Water Program are conducting a needs assessment of Extension educators about their ability to provide information on clima ...
CD Wire- September 24, 2012
AD Update: Looking forward to the unit retreat... see you Wednesday! Climate Change Adaptation Needs Assessment Survey- Complete by September 26 You should have received an email last week from Rebecca Power asking you to fill out a survey for our colleag ...
CD Wire- October 1, 2012
AD Update: Post-Retreat Thoughts By all accounts, last week’s CD retreat was a resounding success. This is due, in part, to you as a highly engaged participant and to the retreat planning committee (Becky, Rose, Chet, and Sandy) in designing the agenda. ...
CD Wire- October 15, 2012
AD Update: Recognizing Key Partners Effective Extension work involves partnerships. When we partner with other Extension colleagues, other agencies and organizations, and community leaders the gains are typically much greater than if we were to work alone ...
CD Wire- November 19, 2012
AD Update: Sharing Our Good Work- NACDEP at Galaxy – Pittsburgh- September 16-20, 2013 You may have seen in a notice from NACDEP in your Inbox from last Friday that once again it is time to begin thinking of sharing your good work. Abstracts are being acc ...
CD Wire- October 8, 2012
AD Update: Recognizing and Developing Excellence Professional competence and technical expertise are two elements necessary for Extension excellence. Stone and Coppernoll described in a 2004 JOE article much of what we know of as our own OSUE Competenc ...
CD Wire- November 13, 2012
AD Update: Extension Annual Conference Around the Corner I hope by now you have already registered for the Extension Annual Conference and took advantage of the super ‘early bird’ registration rate. The two-day agenda covers most of December 4 & 5 and ...