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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Saddle and Sirloin's 99th Little International

    Saddle and Sirloin held the 99th Annual Little International on Saturday, April 20 at the Ohio State University Beef Center. The Little International, originally called the Young International was first held in the fall of 1912 in order to help prepare th ...

  2. Farm Science Review


  3. SENR Graduation Reception

    May 3, 2013 5:00-7:00 PM Kottman Hall Lobby ...

  4. ATI Graduate Luncheon with ATI Alumni Speaker

    Graduate Luncheon with ATI Alumni Speaker May 2, 2013 12:30 PM Fisher Auditorium South Exhibit Area, OARDC campus ...

  5. ACEL Post-Graduation Luncheon

    Sponsored by the ACEL Alumni Board 2:30-5:00 PM (with set up and cooking beginning around Noon) Agricultural Administration Building, Auditorium ...

  6. Honors Graduation Student Breakfast

    At the Honors Breakfast the college will recognize and distribute the honors cords for those individuals who are graduating with Honors with Research Distinction, Latin Honors, and Research Distinction. The ceremony will take place on commencement day, Su ...

  7. CFAES Undergraduate Research Forum

    Location: Agriculture Admin. Auditorium ...

  8. Peer Mentor Retreat

    Mohican School in the Out-of-Doors ...

  9. Outstanding Seniors Interviews


  10. 1st Annual Meat Judging Coaches Clinic

    Please join Dr. Lyda Garcia, Assistant Professor, Meat Science, to learn about meat judging opportunities.  Dr. Garcia would be thrilled to work with 4-H professionals and volunteers interested in all aspects of meat science. Please click HERE for the fly ...
