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Research on best practices to manage phosphorus featured in article
Elizabeth Dayton, a soil scientist in the School of Environment and Natural Resources and the On-field Ohio! project to evaluate/revise the Ohio Phosphorus Risk Index (P Index), is featured in a recent article, " Identifying practices to best manage ...
Capturing Natures Wonders
Many landowners and outdoor enthusiasts take a camera with them when walking through either their property or when they go to visit other natural areas. Are you happy with the photos you take? Wish you knew how to get your pictures to look like what you ...
Environmental Monitor features research on African cichlids
Research conducted by SENR faculty member Suzanne Gray is featured in a recent article, “Uganda Sampling, Lab Analysis Help Ohio State Scientists Study African Cichlids” in The Environmental Monitor. Dr. Gray and researchers in her lab are examining how ...
Become a ENRAS Sustaining Member
All ENR graduates are members of both the ENR Alumni Society and The Ohio State University Alumni Association. Carry on the Buckeye tradition of paying forward, and become a sustaining member today! How can I join? A Sustaining Member is an alumnus who ...
Fertilizer Certification Meeting
Fertilizer Certification Meeting
Recipient of Fellowship Gaining Real-World Research Experience
Kevin Fisher, a junior majoring in Environmental Science in the School of Environment and Natural Resources with a focus on water science, is spending his summer conducting research on bighead carp. Kevin is a recipient of a 2015 Ohio State Undergraduate ...
MENR Deadlines
MENR Deadlines The following items are due to the ENR Graduate Program Coordinator by the deadline indicated below: Form Deadline MENR Program of Study Due by the end of the 1st semester in the program See Graduate School Deadlines for application to gr ...
Farm Science Review: Good Green Reasons to Go to the Gwynne
Farm Science Review features more than farm science. The Sept. 22-24 event in London, Ohio, also will highlight the conservation of natural resources at a demonstration and education site called the Gwynne Conservation Area. The area is at the west end o ...
Fellowship recipient conducting summer research in school’s aquaculture laboratory
Benjamin Schott, a junior with a double major in biochemistry and molecular genetics at The Ohio State University, is spending his summer investigating the effects of nutritional programming in yellow perch juveniles. Benjamin is a recipient of a 2015 Ohi ...