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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Foliar Diseases Already Showing up in Corn

    Foliar diseases, especially Gray Leaf Spot (GLS) and Northern Corn Leaf Blight (NCLB), are already showing up in some corn fields. Although this a little bit on the early side for Ohio, it is not at all surprising, since we have had several wet, humid day ...

  2. Western Bean Cutworm Flight Has Begun

    Our trapping network has started to catch western bean cutworm (WBC) adults, meaning that flight is underway. WBC emergence occurs, for the most part, during July, although it can be extended into August, so we expect our counts to increase. Females lay e ...

  3. Stop Hunger Now

    Heartfelt thanks are in order to the nearly 350 volunteers and donors who hurried, hauled and helped during the Stop Hunger Now meal-packaging event at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Nov. 24. Volunteers-- most of whom were students, facult ...

  4. Prospects for “Muddied Corn”

    During the past two weeks, flooding and ponding have occurred across Ohio, especially in river bottoms and along streams. In some localized areas, this may have resulted in partial and complete immersion of corn in nearby fields, especially in low spots. ...

  5. Late Harvest and Grain Quality Concerns

    Wheat harvest will likely be late again this year. Physiologically, the crop is now ready for harvest in some fields, but will likely not be harvested until the first or second week of July or even later. Late harvest coupled with excessive rainfall mean ...

  6. Fungicide Options for Soybeans

    I looked at the soybean prices on Sunday – all were still less than $10/Bushel.  This price combined with yield losses due to late planting, extra expenses for additional late weed control, and flood injury really put the kibosh on all but the most guaran ...

  7. Wet Weather and Weed Management

    1.  Wet weather has delayed POST herbicide applications in both corn and soybeans.  This can result in weeds and crops that are larger and more advanced in growth stage than anticipated.  The larger crop is primarily a problem in corn, where a more advanc ...

  8. Saving Soybean Seed for Next Year

    Due to wet weather, a few farmers in northwest Ohio have not yet planted soybean.  Can this soybean seed be saved and planted next year?  1.)   Check with your seed dealer.   Your seed dealer may have options available to return seed.  Check with your see ...

  9. Wet Weather: Flooding, Poor Nodulation, and Disease Concerns

    The forecast for the coming week is for continued rain and in many cases this will fall on already saturated soils across the northern and west central part of the state.  This is going to be tough on soybeans.  Here is a guide to help differentiate among ...

  10. Rootworm Hatch is Underway

    Last week, Larry Bledsoe from Purdue University reported that corn rootworm hatch occurred on June 3 (see  With the exception of 2012, this seems to be in line with past few years.  The bad news is ...
