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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Temperatures Key to Increasing Floriculture Diversity

    December 3, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Cool temperature treatments may be the key to the successful greenhouse production of osteospermums, native South African wild daisies that are gaining popularity in the United States as ornamental plants. Ohio State Unive ...

  2. Soybeans Shine Amid A Questionable Season

    December 10, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Despite variable growing conditions across the state, this season's soybean crop produced better-than-expected yields. Ohio State University agronomist Jim Beuerlein said neither drought conditions in the northeast r ...

  3. Soybean Performance Trials Help Farmers Choose Productive Varieties

    December 10, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Soybean diseases, such as Phytophthora root rot and Sclerotinia white mold, are the biggest limiting factors when it comes to producing a good crop. "Diseases reduce yields at least 6-10 percent every year," sai ...

  4. Gypsy Moth Populations Increasing in Ohio

    December 10, 2001 WOOSTER, Ohio- More than 42,000 acres of Ohio's forests were defoliated by the gypsy moth in 2001, nearly twice the amount of damage that occurred in 2000, according to Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) statistics. Dan Herms, an ...

  5. Herbicide-Treated Mulches Effective Method of Weed Control

    December 19, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Mulches pre-treated with herbicides have been found to be an effective method of weed control on ornamental plants grown in nursery or landscape settings. The results of an Ohio State University study to measure the produ ...

  6. Shrub Rose Versatility Appealing to Flower-Lovers

    January 8, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- If you ask somebody to name their favorite flower, they will most likely tell you the rose. Fossil records of naturally occurring rose species have dated back to 35 million years. Over 150 wild species still exist in nature ...

  7. Raspberry Production Increasing in Ohio

    January 15, 2002 PIKETON, Ohio- Raspberry production is on the rise in Ohio, according to a series of surveys conducted by Ohio State University and Ohio Agricultural Statistics Service researchers. The surveys, conducted last summer, show that 360 acres ...

  8. SARE Grant Applications Available Beginning in February

    January 23, 2002 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Farmers seeking to produce new crops, market agricultural projects or develop environmentally friendly, viable production systems are invited to apply for a grant that will afford them the opportunity to tackle such endeav ...

  9. OSU Extension Tax Management Factsheets Available

    January 29, 2002 FINDLAY, Ohio- Ohio State University Extension has made available several Farm Income Tax Management factsheets for producers and landowners who may need tax management tips. The topics include government payment programs, income averagin ...

  10. Insect Pest Not So Pesky

    January 29, 2002 WOOSTER, Ohio- The strawberry bud weevil, an insect that feeds on strawberry plants, may not be as much of a concern as once originally thought. Though labeled a pest because of the considerable damage the insect can do to strawberry plan ...
