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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. EPN Breakfast Club

    This month's EPN Breakfast will be on 'One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health – Protecting People and Planet.'  Doors open at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 7:15 a.m. Register at ...

  2. Ohio House Passes Bill to Create Fertilizer Applicator Certification Program

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  3. SENR Graduation Reception

    All SENR students graduating Spring 2014 and Summer 2014 are invited to come together to celebrate their achievements at the annual SENR Graduation Reception. Enjoy light refreshments, remarks from Dr. Sharp and the Alumni Association, and a presentation ...

  4. ENR 3300 Student Poster Presentations

    ENR 3300 'Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife' students and instructors invite you to their poster presentations of "Forestry, Fish, and Wildlife Management Considerations of the Great Lakes Ecosystem."  Posters will be o ...

  5. ENR 3300 Student Poster Presentations

    ENR 3300 'Introduction to Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife' students and instructors invite you to their poster presentations of "Forestry, Fish, and Wildlife Management Considerations of the Great Lakes Ecosystem."  Posters will be o ...

  6. Graduate Defense Seminar

    Juan G. Perez Saez, MS student in Environmental Social Sciences, will present Recruiting the Water Quality Trader: Do Socioeconomic Variables and Level of Trust Matter? at 9:00 a.m. in 333C Kottman Hall. ...

  7. Climate, Environment, and Elections in Latin America: Can Citizens Make a Difference?

    The Center for Latin American Studies, The Mershon Center, the Department of Geography and the School of Environment and Natural Resources welcomes Mónica Araya, Costa Rica Limpi, who will present Climate, Environment, and Elections in Latin America: ¿Can ...

  8. Honors Thesis Presentation

    An Honors Thesis Presentation by Elisabeth Nadler will be given on Tuesday, April 15, at 11:00 a.m. in 370 Kottman Hall. Her presentation is Effects of Burning Season on Fire Temperature and the Subsequent Regeneration of Oak Species. ...

  9. Fish & Wildlife Society Spring Cookout

    The Fish and Wildlife Society annual cookout will be held on Wednesday, April 16th starting at 5:00 pm. Come join us at OSU’s Olentangy River Wetland Research Park located at 352 W Dodridge and enjoy some good food as we grill out. ...

  10. Internship Registration Workshop

    This workshop will be held in 333C Kottman Hall. Bring your employment verification letter to the workshop and we will review what is required for the ENR 2191 and ENR 4191 internship course and then get you registered on the spot. ...
