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Reinstatement Petition Process
After being academically dismissed from the university, students can petition for reinstatement to the university after waiting 2 semesters. Reinstatement is not guaranteed, and simple desire to return is not sufficient support for a petition. Petitioning ...
Special-Action Probation
You may be placed on special-action probation, even if you have no cumulative deficiency points and a cumulative GPA above 2.0, when your college has determined, by a review of your grades and course work, that you are not making satisfactory progress tow ...
Program Dismissal
If you are not showing progress in your current program, you are at risk of being dismissed from your college (or school) of enrollment. There is no particular cumulative GPA or number of deficiency points that warrants a dismissal. Decisions about dismis ...
Academic Dismissal
Any student in academic difficulty is at risk of being dismissed from the university. There is no particular cumulative GPA or number of deficiency points that warrants a dismissal. These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis and given serious though ...
Academic Warning
You may be placed on academic warning when you have initially accumulated between.1 and 14.9 deficiency points and have not been placed on special-action probation. We strongly recommend that you consult with an academic advisor about possible strategies ...
CD Weekly Wire- October 7, 2013
AD Update: Preparing for the CD Program Retreat At the Galaxy IV capnote presentation, conference participants heard conference closing remarks from FAES V-P and Dean, Bruce McPheron. He mentioned our 100th anniversary on the horizon for 2014 and noted th ...
Vinyl Chloride
GENERAL INFORMATION Vinyl chloride is a colorless organic gas with a sweet odor. Vinyl chloride is used in the manufacture of numerous products in building construction, automotive industry, electrical wire insulation and cables, piping, industrial and ho ...
TTHMs (Total trihalomethanes)
GENERAL INFORMATION Trihalomethane occur when naturally-occurring organic and inorganic materials in the water react with the disinfectants, chlorine and chloramine. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who drink water containing total trihalomethanes in excess of ...
GENERAL INFORMATION 1,1,2-Trichloroethane, a volatile organic chemical is a liquid with a chloroform-like odor. 1,1,2-Trichloroethane is used to make vinylidene chloride which is in turn used to make synthetic fibers and plastic wraps. It is also used in ...
GENERAL INFORMATION 1,1,1-Trichloroethane is an organic liquid with a chloroform-like odor. It is largely used as a solvent removing grease from machined metal products, in textile processing and dyeing and in aerosols. The major source of 1,1,1-trichloro ...