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Nitrate (as N)
GENERAL INFORMATION Nitrates (NO 3) in drinking water usually originates from fertilizers or from animal or human wastes. Nitrate concentrations in water tend to be highest in areas of intensive agriculture or where there is a high density of septic syste ...
Department of Dairy Technology is discontinued and the Department of Food Science and Nutrition is formed. ...
The Department of Dairy Technology is created. ...
Meet with Your Advisor
Our college provides you with several advisors to help you plan your degree and resolve academic issues. Your Faculty Advisor teaches classes in your major Your Coordinating Advisor serves as a backup to your faculty advisor. Click here to see a list of C ...
CD Weekly Wire- September 23, 2013
AD Update: NACDEP/Galaxy IV Follow-Up Last week at this time, many of us were kicking the NACDEP/Galaxy IV Conference into high gear at the Pittsburgh Convention Center. It was an action-packed week for sure with conference tours, meetings, events, and di ...
Dean's List
Students completing a minimum of 12 graded credit hours with a GPA of 3.5 or higher for any given term will be named to the Dean's List for that term in the college in which they are enrolled. Courses graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S/U) or pass/ ...
The Department of Animal Husbandry was formed at The Ohio State University in 1902. Professor Charles S. Plumb was hired as Associate Professor of Animal Husbandry in the College of Agriculture and Domestic Science and he was made chair of Animal Husbandr ...
GENERAL INFORMATION Iron is common in the earth's crust. Iron is often found in water because of the large amount of iron present in the soil, sediment, and bedrock. It is also found in water because corrosive water will pick up iron from pipes. Iron ...
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
GENERAL INFORMATION Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is an indicator test commonly used to indirectly measure the amount of organic compound pollutants in water. Most applications of COD determine the amount of organic pollutants found in surface water (e.g. ...
GENERAL INFORMATION Most drinking water sources have very low levels of uranium if shallow wells (under oxidizing conditions). Most uranium is naturally occurring, although contamination of drinking water sources from human-made nuclear materials can also ...