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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  2. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  3. Mandatory Volunteer Training

    Beginning in 2015, ALL volunteers must participate in a MANDATORY Volunteer Training annually to remain an approved 4-H Volunteer in Muskingum County.  Volunteers must RSVP to the Extension Office at least two days prior to the training they plan to atten ...

  4. Older Youth Opportunities Applications Due

    Applications due to the Extension Office Older Youth Opportunities Application ...

  5. Lane Avenue Gardens Candlelit Winter Walk

    Lane Avenue Gardens Candlelit Winter Walk The candlelit tour/walk in our Lane Avenue Gardens organized by Ohio State students has been rescheduled for January 15, 2015, 5-8 p.m. The Chadwick Arboretum Winter Walk is being arranged by Towers Agricultural H ...

  6. Market Steer Weigh-in

    Below is information for registering 2015 market steer projects. All market steers to be exhibited at the 2015 Muskingum County Fair must come to this steer registration day to be tagged and weighed-in, NO EXCEPTIONS. 2015 Steer Weigh-in Letter ...

  7. Alumni Groups

    Across the College: Agricultural, Communication, Education, and Leadership Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics Farm Science Review Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Food Science and Technology Horticulture and Crop Science S ...

  8. Registrar Forms: Faculty/Staff

    Registrar Forms ...

  9. Developing Nutrient Management Plan Workshop

    Free Workshops Offered on Developing Nutrient Management Plans COLUMBUS, Ohio – Four workshops designed to teach Certified Crop Advisers how to help farmers develop nutrient management plans will be offered by agronomists with Ohio State University’s Coll ...

  10. 37th Annual Poinsettia Sale

    Stop by the 37th Annual Poinsettia Sale sponsored by Pi Alpha Xi, The Floriculture and Horticulture Honor Society.  They will be selling Poinsettias along with Norfolk Pines, Cyclamen, Christmas Cacti, Holly Berry Bundles and more.  The event will run fro ...
