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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Year End Awards of Merit

    The 2024 Year End Awards of Merit Recognition Ceremony will be held in conjunction with the Communications Contest and Hippology/Horse Bowl/Judging Clinic on Saturday, March 1st, 2025. The Year End Awards Ceremony will take place immediately following the ...

  2. State 4-H Horse Communications Contest

    ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK Parking-All vehicles will be required to pay for parking ParkMobile If you are parking in one of the many surface lots across campus, ParkMobile is a convenient opt ...

  3. Club Management Resources, Policies, and Procedures

    The Ohio 4-H Youth Development program seeks to provide positive Educational experiences for youth, volunteers, parents/guardians, and Community members. To create and support this positive environment, Ohio State University Extension has adopted specific ...

  4. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables


  5. Controlling Non-Native Invasive Plants: Common and Japanese Barberry


  6. Food Preservation: Freezing Meat, Poultry, and Game


  7. Curriculum for 4-H Professionals

    Curriculum for 4-H Professionals Camping Curriculum  ** Healthy Living Curriculum   ** Teen Leadership 20 Curriculum  ** Urban Immersion Project Curriculum   ** Indicates the curriculum has been through a double-blind peer review at the in-state and natio ...

  8. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut


  9. Self-Determined Projects and Idea Starters

    Self-Determined Projects If you're a 4-H member with a great project idea of your own or someone who is ready to go beyond a current project book, consider doing a self-determined project. Use the Self-Determined Project Guide to describe your projec ...

  10. Ignite by 4-H

    National Ignite by 4-H Ohio Delegation March 12-16, 2025 // Washington, D.C. Open to enrolled 4-H teens across Ohio! What: Ignite by 4-H is a national summit designed to bring high school aged youth together from across the country and give them the oppor ...
