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When should I reach out for help?
Join us for monthly virtual Q&A sessions regarding home-based food producers. Each webinar will briefly introduce various topics and allow time for discussion. Each monthly webinar will begin with a 5–10-minute presentation. You can listen in or ask q ...
Where can I sell my products?
Join us for monthly virtual Q&A sessions regarding home-based food producers. Each webinar will briefly introduce various topics and allow time for discussion. Each monthly webinar will begin with a 5–10-minute presentation. You can listen in or ask q ...
Who is a home baker or cottage food producer?
Join us for monthly virtual Q&A sessions regarding home-based food producers. Each webinar will briefly introduce various topics and allow time for discussion. Each monthly webinar will begin with a 5–10-minute presentation. You can listen in or ask q ...
What foods can be home-produced?
Join us for monthly virtual Q&A sessions regarding home-based food producers. Each webinar will briefly introduce various topics and allow time for discussion. Each monthly webinar will begin with a 5–10-minute presentation. You can listen in or ask q ...
Trauma-Informed Approaches
What is Trauma-Informed ApproachES? Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have many different types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and understanding from those around them. Often, trauma su ...
Cultural Immersion Projects
Cultural Immersion Projects The best way to understand a different culture is to immerse yourself in it! Ohio 4-H has several cultural immersion project opportunities for teens. Each location has unique opportunities for learning, but in all experiences t ...
Upcoming departmental seminars are listed below All seminars will take place in Room 250A, Agricultural Administration Building (2120 Fyffe Rd.) from 10:30 a.m.- 12 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Light refreshments will be served starting at 10 a.m., before ...
National 4-H Conference
The National 4-H Conference is the premier civic engagement opportunity for 4-H members (15-19 years old) who are actively engaged in 4-H programs across the U.S. and its territories. The conference is administered by 4-H National Headquarters of the Nati ...
Join Master Gardeners Information
Thank you for your interest in joining the Seneca County Master Gardener Volunteers. The 2025 intern class will be held in a hybrid format- the coursework will be online, and the labs will be in-person and hands-on. Completing the course work (approximate ...
PhD Research Seminar
AEDECON 8895 PhD Students presenting and discussing research in agricultural, environmental, and development economics under the guidance of an instructor. Repeatable to a maximum of 10 cr hrs or 10 completions. This course is graded S/U. Graduate 1.0 889 ...