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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. SEEDS Information Session- Wooster II

    We have created an informative session to cover program objectives, an explanation of the various competition categories, and proposal guidelines.  ...

  2. SEEDS Information Session- Wooster I

    We have created an informative session to cover program objectives, an explanation of the various competition categories, and proposal guidelines.  ...

  3. 4-H National Youth Science Day


  4. CD Wire- August 25, 2014

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: Recognizing Good Work Our last issue discussed how two long-time funds affiliated with Extension Community Development (Support ...

  5. Food Security Conference

    The eXtension Community of Practice (eCoP) on Community, Local and Regional Food Systems will host a Food Security Conference September 29 – October 1 at the Hilton Garden Inn in downtown Cleveland, Ohio. The conference is entitled Building Extension Capa ...

  6. On-Farm Solar Lunch-n-Learn

    Join Eric Romich, Assistant Professor and OSU Extension Field Specialist for Energy Development, to learn about on-farm solar energy development. The program is being held on Thursday, September 4, from noon until 1:30 p.m. at the Richardson Farm, 6984 La ...

  7. CD Wire- July 28, 2014

    Mission Statement: Ohio State University Extension Community Development helps communities enhance their well-being. AD Update: Sharing Your Good Work (and Learning from Others) I know December seems like a long way off and the official call for Extension ...

  8. CD Wire- September 4, 2012

    AD Update: Conference Presentation Opportunity in Ohio – December 5 Looking for an opportunity to share a specific skill, promote a particular program, or discuss a topic of interest to Extension colleagues in Ohio? The OSU Extension 2012 Annual Conferenc ...

  9. CD Wire- September 10, 2012

    AD Update: Investing in 'Team' In a couple of weeks, we’ll have a chance to spend some time together at the annual CD Unit Retreat. I get excited when I think about the work we do, the way we work together, and the seemingly endless opportunitie ...

  10. CD Wire- September 17, 2012

    AD Update: Needs Assessment Survey on Climate Change Adaptation- Complete by September 26 Our colleagues in the Great Lakes Regional Water Program are conducting a needs assessment of Extension educators about their ability to provide information on clima ...
