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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. OSU Extension Annual Conference Day 1

    Day 1 of the conference (pdf) focuses on professional associations and sectional meetings. Complete details about the conference, including the topics, schedule and registration information, are at ...

  2. CFAES Community Dialogue: 'White People and Anti-Racist Work'

    Participate through Carmen Connect at Sponsored by the CFAES Diversity Catalyst Team. Further details in this issue. ...

  3. Dean McPheron’s Monthly Webinar

    Monthly webinar for faculty and staff by CFAES Dean Bruce McPheron. Participate through CarmenConnect at ...

  4. Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?


  5. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    AD Update: Care and Nurturing of a High-Performing Team It’s been nearly three weeks since we met in Cleveland for our Fall CD Retreat and I am still reflecting on the experience. A quick review of the post-program evaluation data reinforces my personal a ...

  6. Global Climate Change Policy: Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    Jeff Hopkins, Principal Adviser for International Energy and Climate Policy at Rio Tinto, presented on October 29, 2013 as part of the AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. His presentation focused on climate change policy as experienced by an internatio ...

  7. Putting the Age of U.S. Farmers in Perspective


  8. CD Weekly Wire- October 28, 2013

    AD Update: Extension CD and the West Side Market Throughout much of 2013, the north central CD program leaders have focused conversations on how we might better meet programming needs in the region. Collaborating across state lines, cost recovery practice ...

  9. The Role of Intellectual Property Rights in Seed Technology Transfer through Trade – Evidence from U.S. Field Crop Seed Exports


  10. Undergraduate Program Advising Session

