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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. PHARM Activities

    2012 Scarlet and Gray Ag Day Ohio State's College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences hosted over 600 5th and 6th graders on April 27, 2012.  Plant Pathology students and staff hosted Superheroes in Plant Pathology- Saving Plants Every ...

  2. Rewriting Ohio's Phosphorus Risk Index

    Hear how Ohio State research and the fam community are collaborating. ...

  3. EEOB Research Assistant

    Research Assistant Click here for position information. The successful applicant will be stationed at the Fairport Fisheries Research Station in Fairport Harbor, Ohio which is one of the Lake Erie Fisheries Research Stations operated by the Ohio Departmen ...

  4. The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page

    Buckeye Book Community  - The Buckeye Book Community (BBC) is Ohio State's common reading experience.  It is intended to help first year students build a srong connection to campus and encourage students to wrestle with new ideas.  This shared-experi ...

  5. Divya Gupta's Graduate Exit Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by  Divya Gupta, PhD Candidate, on Tuesday, June 24th at 1:00 p.m. in 245 Kottman Hall. She will present  Explaining Enforcement Mechanisms in Collaborative Natural Resource Governance: A Study of Cases from Ce ...

  6. OSU Climate Change Webinar

    The OSU Climate Change Webinar welcomes  Jay Martin, professor in the Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering, who will present  Climate Change & Harmful Algal Blooms in Maumee Bay. The webinar is free.  To register click here. Onc ...

  7. Testen Awarded U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security Grant

    Anna Testen, Ph.D. student in plant pathology at The Ohio State University, was awarded a research grant from the U.S. Borlaug Fellows in Global Food Security program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to help support her do ...

  8. POSTPONED- Travis Shaul's Graduate Defense Seminar

    This defense has been postponed.   A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Travis Shaul, MS student in Environmental Social Sciences, on Thursday, June 26th at 10:30 a.m. in 370 Kottman Hall. He will present Implementation of Best Management Pract ...

  9. Emissions from Energy: Environment, Health, and Legislation- a presentation and round-table brown-bag discussion

    A joint seminar between the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering and the John Glenn School of Public Affairs will be held in 410 Hitchcock Hall. Presenters: Stefan Åström- Chalmers University and IVL Swedish Environmental Research ...

  10. Paul Soltesz' Graduate Defense Seminar

    A Graduate Defense Seminar will be presented by Paul Soltesz, an MS student in Ecosystem Science, on Friday, June 20th at 1:00 p.m. in 460 Kottman Hall. He will present Large Wood Dynamics in Central Appalachian Headwater Hemlock Ravines. ...
