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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Iceland Study Abroad Info Session

    Join us to learn about SENR's Iceland Study Abroad Program, where we learn about the environment and culture of this spectacular country! Presented by the resident directors, Susie Burks & Dr. Brian Slater, and student alumni in 333C Kottman Hall ...

  2. Jim Herron receives Young Jersey Breeder Award

    Jim Herron, a 2006 graduate of the dairy cattle production and management program, has been named the recipient of the American Jersey Cattle Association’s (AJCA) Young Jersey Breeder Award. The award is based on expertise in dairy farming and Jersey catt ...

  3. Ladonna Whitt wins OSU Distinguished Staff Award

    Ladonna Whitt is the recipient of a 2014 Distinguished Staff Award from Ohio State University. The recognition was a fitting captsone to her career at Ohio State ATI. Ladonna retired in August. The Distinguished Staff Award recognizes 12 staff members, wh ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Alex Royo, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station, who will present The Forest Above and Below: Disturbance and Herbivory Interactions Govern Vegetation and Seed Bank Diversity. The SENR Seminar ...

  5. EPN November Breakfast Club

    The EPN Breakfast Club topic is Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Environmental and Ag Applications Take Flight with moderator and presenter Dr. Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, Chair, OSU Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geodetic Engineering (CEGE). Panelists w ...

  6. Jaeger Lab Current Members

      Jaeger Lab Current Members   Ellen Comes, MS Student Ecogeomorphic response to dam removal in a mid-sized urban river Research: My research interests focus on the ecological restoration of ecosystems and habitats, specifically mid-size rivers and ripari ...

  7. General Membership Alumni Meeting

    General membership meeting for all School of Environment and Natural Resources Alumni.  Held at the Longaberger Alumni House Rockow Board Room on the second floor.  Pizza and pop are provided. All are welcomed!! If you would like to be involved but are no ...

  8. Stop Hunger Now

    If you are looking for a way to celebrate Thanksgiving by giving service, Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences wants to hear from you. The college is sponsoring a Stop Hunger Now meal-packaging event on the Mon ...

  9. Growing Ohio

    Grow your ideas... with OARDC Grow your business... with BioHio Grow your workforce... with Ohio State ATI The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC) is the largest of its type in the nation. Its ability to assist enterprises with bio-b ...

  10. Sustainability NOW! Youth Summit Application

    Sustainability NOW! Youth Summit Application CENTRAL OHIO YOUTH LEADERSHIP SUMMIT on the Environment November 8, 2014 Sustainablity NOW! Central Ohio Youth Leadership Summit on the Environment will take place November 8, 2014 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. T ...
