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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. CD Weekly Wire- October 7, 2013

    AD Update: Preparing for the CD Program Retreat At the Galaxy IV capnote presentation, conference participants heard conference closing remarks from FAES V-P and Dean, Bruce McPheron. He mentioned our 100th anniversary on the horizon for 2014 and noted th ...

  2. Test


  3. CD Weekly Wire- September 30, 2013

    AD Update: Recognizing Excellence- Friend of CD and Excellence in CD Awards Last week we recognized our colleagues who received high honors from their north central and national peers via NACDEP awards. Taking the time to reflect on the accomplishments of ...

  4. OCVN State Program Contacts

    The Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Program provides citizens across Ohio with an opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills in the area of Ohio’s environment and natural history and apply what they learn through service to local parks, ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- September 23, 2013

    AD Update: NACDEP/Galaxy IV Follow-Up Last week at this time, many of us were kicking the NACDEP/Galaxy IV Conference into high gear at the Pittsburgh Convention Center. It was an action-packed week for sure with conference tours, meetings, events, and di ...

  6. CD Weekly Wire- September 9, 2013

    AD Update: Final Galaxy Prep... Many of us will be attending the Galaxy Conference next week in Pittsburgh. Thanks to Rose Merkowitz, we have an attendee list that tells us who is traveling when. You may want to refer to it and identify possible carpoolin ...

  7. Salem Area


  8. City of West Carrollton

    West Carrollton Sustainable Comprehensive Plan A Community Vision and Comprehensive Plan Created through the Principles of Sustainability ...

  9. City of Kent

    City of Kent Bicentennial Plan In 2001 the City of Kent, Ohio decided to update their Comprehensive Plan. It was the desire of the elected officials in cooperation with the City Manager to create a plan that incorporated sustainable development concepts. ...

  10. Countdown

    It's almost tomorrow, get ready. ...
