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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Total Quality Logistics (TQL) Career Fair Prep

    Learn about the value of a career fair and tips to be successful at Spring Career Day from an employer recruiter who will be attending the event. Walk-in hours, stop by 042 Hagerty Hall when convenient. ...

  2. EEOB Seminar

    The EEOB Seminar welcomes Juan Alonso from the University of Madrid, Spain. This seminar will be held in Jennings Hall 0001. ...

  3. EEOB Seminar

    The EEOB Seminar welcomes Peter Buston from Boston University. His research focuses on behavioral ecology, population biology, and marine ecology. His research site can be found here: This seminar will be held in Jen ...

  4. Be a STAR! Interviewing Techniques

    So you made a successful connection at Spring Career Day and now you have an interview but have no idea how to prepare yourself. Or perhaps you're planning to interview for an internship or job opportunity sometime soon. If so, give yourself the conf ...

  5. Spring Career Day

    Spring Career Day is an annual job and internship fair open to all current Ohio State University students and recent graduates and provides an opportunity for students to network with employers and learn about internship and career opportunities. This car ...

  6. OARDC Annual Conference, Wooster


  7. APS Student Travel Grant Applications Due


  8. Abstract deadline for APS Annual Meeting


  9. Abstract deadline for OARDC Annual Conference


  10. Faculty member's book explores bratwurst, buckeyes and more

    Nathan Crook, assistant professor and coordinator of Oho State ATI's agricultural education program, has written a book about the food traditions of northwest Ohio entitled A Culinary History of the Great Black Swamp. The cultural and physical landsc ...
