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Business Management
Ohio State ATI offers an Associate of Applied Science in Business Management. Students pursue one of two specializations in the major to gain more knowledge about a specific industry. See the links at the right for the course sequence / curriculum in each ...
Precautions for Harvesting Forages After a Frost
Several forage species can be extremely toxic soon after a frost because they contain compounds called cyanogenic glucosides that are converted quickly to prussic acid (i.e. hydrogen cyanide) in freeze-damaged plant tissues. Others species have an increas ...
Higher western bean cutworm feeding may lead to mycotoxins
Although western bean cutworm (WBC) flight counts have been relatively stable compared to last year, several growers and extension educators have sent in pictures of western bean cutworm infestations and damage in corn. Obviously it is much too late to do ...
Sampling for Soybean Cyst Nematode – It’s time!
This year’s early harvest provides the perfect opportunity to take a look at the SCN populations in your fields. We know that the state is now “polluted” with SCN, fortunately most of those fields are at very low levels – which is where they should be ke ...
Borlaug Fellows Gain Inspiration, Insight During World Food Prize
Every year the World Food Prize recognizes the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world. Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug created the prize, whi ...
2014 Ohio Wine and Grape Conference
Located at the Crown Plaza Hotel and Conference Center in Dublin, Ohio. Featured Speakers will be J-L Groux, Dr. Gavin Sacks, & Dr. Tony Wolf. To register contact Christy Eckenstein at 617.728.6438 or You don't want ...
Lamb Marketing Course
Sheep producers can learn innovative new techniques to produce consistent, high quality lamb and how to better market their specialty meats during a two-day course Dec. 17-18. The course will be taught by livestock experts from Ohio State University’s Col ...
ACEL professor selected for national agricultural leadership training program
Dr. Emily Buck of New Bloomington has been selected to be a part of the eighth class of American Farm Bureau Federation’s (AFBF) Partners in Agricultural Leadership (PAL) class, a two-year, high-level program that includes intense, in-person and hands-on ...
Pattern change is coming!
Temperature RISK: Temperatures will continue to be several degrees above normal into much of November. However, the real change comes with a wetter pattern as has been discussed for several weeks now. The drier pattern of the last few months is about to ...