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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. We want your news!

    We want to hear from you!  Please use the form below to tell us what you've been up to.  ALUMNI NEWS SUBMISSION We also hope you'll give us feedback on News from Ohio State ATI. Have a suggestion for improvement? Have an idea for a story? Please ...

  2. Agronomic Crops Extension publications to help make plans for 2015

    We are just into January but well into our winter meeting season. Several requests have come up for publications we reference in our talks. The first is the Corn, Soybean, Wheat and Alfalfa Field Guide – newly updated and in a new larger format this year. ...

  3. 2016 OARDC Agronomy Workshop: Feb. 15th- Field Crops Management 201

    8:30 Check-in, coffee & donuts 9:00 How to Use and Interpret Statistics- Drs. Steve Culman & Pierce Paul 10:00 Wheat and Corn Pathology- Dr. Pierce Paul 10:30 Break 10:45 Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities- Dr. Peter Thomison 11:15 Corn Root W ...

  4. Is It Too Early to Apply N to Wheat?- Yes

    Each year producers ask the question when is the best time to apply N to wheat? Also, is it ok to apply N on frozen ground? For any N application the question to ask is, “When does the crop need N?” Wheat does not require large amounts of N until stem elo ...

  5. Ohio Forages and Grasslands council Annual Conference

    The program theme is “Fitting the Pieces Together in a Forage System.” The keynote speaker will be Dr. Stacey Hamilton, University of Missouri Extension state dairy specialist, who will discuss “Balancing risk and rewards of annual and perennial pastures” ...

  6. 2016 Conservation Tillage Club Breakfast Meeting Series- Increasing Soybean Yields

    Third in the series: February 2 – Increasing Soybean Yields – Dr. Laura Lindsey, The Ohio State University February 16 – Ag Law (Farm Transitions & Leases) – Dr. Peggy Kirk Hall, OSU Extension ...

  7. Northern Ohio Crops Day-Gibsonburg


  8. 2016 West Ohio Agronomy Day – Evening Program

    The 2016 West Ohio Agronomy Day was held on January 11 in Fort Loramie. Featured speakers this year were: Fred Whitford, Purdue University pesticide education; Bob Nielsen, Purdue University agronomy; Pierce Paul, The Ohio State University plant pathology ...

  9. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    The Boot Camps (Curriculum Development and P&T) will be offered statewide again in 2016. Each boot camp has six 5-hour sessions. Every session includes training and technical support for participants as they complete a personal work session. The goal ...

  10. Promotion and Tenure Boot Camp

    The Boot Camps (Curriculum Development and P&T) will be offered statewide again in 2016. Each boot camp has six 5-hour sessions. Every session includes training and technical support for participants as they complete a personal work session. The goal ...
