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Early Insect and Slug Concerns
For a couple of weeks we have been warning about the possibility of black cutworms based on adult catches reported by surrounding states. We have begun to observe some minor feeding on corn, suggesting that the larvae are there and the worst of the damag ...
Pollinators and Planting
Beekeepers in Ohio again suffered substantial losses of colonies over the exceptionally long and cold winter of 2014-2015. Here in Wooster we lost more than half of our colonies, and beekeepers around the state are reporting levels of winter kill as high ...
Cold Weather and Wheat Injury
Last week, temperatures in northern Ohio dipped below freezing prompting some concerns about possible injury to the wheat crop. The effect of cold weather depends on the wheat growth stage. Maximum resistance to cold weather occurs in December-February. A ...
Up Close and Personal: Talk to Organic Researchers
Ohio-- Growers interested in learning the latest in organic research, including updates on organic corn production, organic ecosystem services and organic pest controls, can hear from experts from Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and ...
Workshops to Promote the Use Cover Crops to Improve Soil Health, Water Quality and Yields
CELINA, Ohio – Growers who want to improve soil health, reduce soil erosion and cut down on nutrient losses may want to consider using cover crops such as oilseed radish, cereal rye, or Austrian winter pea and crimson clover, according to a soil expert wi ...
Welcome to OSU South Centers, Mick Whitt!
Mick Whitt is the new Manufacturing Business Development Specialist for the MTSBDC. He holds a Machine Trades Certificate from Pickaway-Ross CTC, a Business Management Degree from Ohio Christian University, as well as having nearly 20 years of experience ...
Gary Gao receives specialty crop block grant
By Gary Gao, Ph.D., Extension Specialist and Associate Professor Fruit production in containers in a home landscape setting is not necessarily a new concept. However, commercial fruit production in containers is. A few production practices need to be ...
OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts update
By: Patrick Dengel, OSU- RIO Grande Collaboration Coordinator and Business Development Specialist OSU-RIO collaboration broadcasts are multi-media (Radio, TV, YouTube and live Internet streaming) educational shows with a host of different topics that pr ...
OSU South Centers Academic Editor received recognition from PLOS ONE
By: Sarah Strausbaugh, Program Assistant Recently, OSU South Centers Senior Research Scientist, Dr. Hanping Wang received recognition from PLOS ONE for his contributions to the journal as an Academic Editor. PLOS ONE has a high impact, being the world’s ...
Sustainable aquaponic vegetable and fish co-production in Ohio
By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator Producing vegetables and fish in a linked hydroponic plant and aquaculture fish co-production system is called aquaponics. Plants can use the water and nutrients from the aquaculture ...