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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. MILC Program Information

    The following information is provided to assist you in understanding the MILC Evaluation program, calculating production and payment levels, and finding the appropriate forms. All producers desiring to participate in the MILC Evaluation Program as authori ...

  2. Ohio Geographic Focus

      GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS Although the analysis conducted by the exurban change project varies in scale from local to regional, data collected for the project is primarily at the sub-county level. This includes data at the township, place, block group and census ...

  3. Allen County

      Township Resource Books: (In Adobe Acrobat PDF Format) Section 1: Township Population Characteristics and Change- Contents: Township Population, Population Change, and Population Density 1960 to 2000 ·           Section 1: Township Level Population Char ...

  4. Country Contribution to World Economic Activity and Growth


  5. 2013 "Perfect Season" Judging Camp

    Title: 2013 "Perfect Season" Judging Camp Location: OSU Description: High School and 4-H Eligible Advance Judgers. Start Date: 2013-06-17 Start Time: 10:00 End Date: 2013-06-19 End Time: 15:00 High School and 4-H Eligible Advance Judgers. Click ...

  6. OSU Junior Judging Days

    Title: OSU Junior Judging Days Location: OSU Sheep Barns Description: Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Start Time: 9:30 Date: 2013-05-18 End Time: 16:00 Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Click here for ...

  7. OSU Junior Judging Days

    Title: OSU Junior Judging Days Location: OSU Sheep Barns Description: Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Start Time: 9:30 Date: 2013-05-11 End Time: 16:00 Open to anyone involved with competitive livestock judging. Click here for ...

  8. Assessment and Comparison of Farm Safety Net Proposals

    Ten Farm Bill proposals as of October 6, 2011 are examined for similarities and differences.  As a group, the proposals are a significant and important evolutionary improvement in the design of a risk management farm safety net, a step that began with the ...

  9. Sustainability of Large Payments by ACRE

    Like any risk management program, ACRE can make large payments. Given current revenue levels and a large decline in revenue, ACRE payments could exceed $10 billion in a year. However, unlike the marketing loan rate and counter-cyclical target price, ACRE’ ...

  10. Biotechnology and U.S. Crop Yield Trends

    Biotechnology varieties first became available for commercial use in the U.S. in 1996. By 2011, they accounted for 88%, 90%, and 94% of the acres planted to corn, upland cotton, and soybeans, respectively (U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National A ...
