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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Poultry


  2. Swine


  3. Goats


  4. Sheep


  5. Dairy Cattle


  6. Tip #1- What to Wear

    TODAY- I want you to think about how you will dress for Expo and other career-related events or opportunities. ...

  7. School of Earth Sciences Mini-Symposium Film Festival

    The School of Earth Sciences' Division of Water, Climate and the Environment's mini-symposium film festival featuring the work of some of the faculty in the division in Mendenhall Laboratory Room 291. Faculty presenting includee Professors Andre ...

  8. EEDS Informational Meeting

    The EEDS information meeting will be held in Royer Living Room (north campus). This month, our discussion will focus on study abroad opportunities.  We will have guest speakers and program representatives joining us to share information about a few trips ...

  9. Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks

    Nest Survival of Urban-adapted Songbirds in Residential Yards and Adjacent Forest Parks Research presented by Jennifer Malpass at the 2014 joint meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union, the Cooper Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian O ...

  10. FST Fall Semester Seminar

    Please plan to attend a joint seminar presentation by Institute of Food Safety and Health (IFSH) Director Robert Brackett and Associate Director Jason Wan on  Thursday November 20th 10-11 AM Parker 114. The presentation will provide an overview about the ...
