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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Family Fundamentals: If summer is stressful, plan now to slow down

    May 19, 2008 I'm getting more tense as summer approaches. When our family gets out of its normal routine, it seems like we get busier than ever. Any guidance? First, it might help to realize that you're not alone. Even though summertime often ev ...

  2. 300-Bushel Corn? Learn More at the Conservation Tillage and Technology Conference

    February 18, 2009 ADA, Ohio-- What does it take to produce 300-bushel corn? Cooperative Extension corn specialists throughout the Midwest will offer insight into the production and genetics of creating high corn yields during the Ohio State University Con ...

  3. Air Quality Workshops to Tackle Challenge of Ag Air Emissions

    December 28, 2006 REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio-- A series of air quality workshops will be held in January to help address issues and concerns regarding agricultural air emissions, improve the understanding of federal air quality regulations, and explore the most e ...

  4. Alternative Green Certification Systems Favor Ohio's Timber Industry

    May 18, 2009 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The push to promote more "green" buildings to reduce the environmental impacts from their construction and use may not be adequately utilizing the nation's renewable wood products.   The U.S. Green Building Cou ...

  5. Animal Welfare Programs Foster Human/Animal Relationship

    May 31, 2006 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- How producers verbally and physically handle their livestock can have a profound impact on animal behavior and performance. To get the most out of productivity in a nurturing environment, Ohio State University animal science ...

  6. Family Fundamentals: Financial stresses can put strain on relationship (for July 2009)

    July 17, 2009 Lately there's been a lot of tension between my husband and me about our finances. How can we get past this? Even in the best of economic times, it's not unusual for couples to experience stress over financial issues. In fact, rese ...

  7. Eating 'Green' Could be Beneficial

    July 24, 2000 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Chlorophyll has long been touted as a holistic healing aid, with claims that it does everything from healing wounds to curing bad breath. But when people consume foods that contain chlorophyll, is it-- or its digestive produ ...

  8. Agribusinesses, Farmers Urged to Enforce Security Measures

    October 5, 2001 COLUMBUS, Ohio- Farmers, product dealers and equipment manufacturers are recommended to take necessary security measures regarding manufacturing, storing, marketing, transporting and utilizing agricultural machinery and chemicals in light ...

  9. Aggressive Weed a Potential Problem for Livestock Producers

    October 21, 2010 COLUMBUS, Ohio – An aggressive perennial weed, common throughout the western United States, has found its way to Ohio overtaking pastures and hay fields and creating an undesirable feeding situation for livestock.   Clif Little, an Ohio S ...

  10. Family Fundamentals: Divorcing parents need to put children's needs first (for Feb. 2007)

    February 19, 2007 My son and his wife are getting divorced. What can they do to make things less difficult for their two children? Divorce is almost always harder on children than parents. Besides the major disruption in family life, they have no control ...
