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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Researchers Evaluating Switchgrass Production in Ohio

    May 31, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- With double the biomass output compared to corn and low management inputs, switchgrass is shaping up to be a viable alternative crop for biofuels production. But is it an option for Ohio farmers? Based on what Ohio State Univ ...

  2. Soybean Breeding Program Growing to Meet Industry Demands

    June 5, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Growing demand for food-grade and industrial-use soybean varieties has spurred an expansion of Ohio State University's soybean breeding program-- a welcome boost in a highly competitive industry. The program, part of Ohi ...

  3. Land Values Survey Aids in Farm Financial Management

    June 11, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- The value of Ohio's cropland is projected to increase an average of 4.5 percent this year, according to an Ohio State University agricultural economics survey-- continuing the sharp upward trend of the state's land ...

  4. Test Fish Farms to Control Deadly Virus

    June 13, 2007 PIKETON, Ohio-- A newly emerging fish virus spreading among wild species is causing concerns in Ohio's farmed aquaculture industry. But testing fish farms for the disease can help contain it. Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS) is a high ...

  5. Soybean Aphid Arrival to Ohio Early

    June 15, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- The soybean aphid, which is predicted in large numbers throughout the Midwest this season, is showing up in Ohio earlier than anticipated. Soybean fields throughout northwest Ohio are already reporting the presence of the aph ...

  6. Hot, Dry Conditions Could Invite Two-Spotted Spider Mite

    June 18, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Ohio's abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions could set the stage for potential problems from a pest that thrives under such an environment. Ron Hammond, an Ohio State University Extension entomologist with the Oh ...

  7. Ohio Wheat Speeding to Early Harvest, But Potentially Low Yields

    June 18, 2007 WOOSTER, Ohio-- Due to dry conditions and high temperatures throughout Ohio this season, growers may not be harvesting a bumper wheat crop. The crop is maturing (turning) more quickly than anticipated and harvest may begin at some locations ...

  8. OSU Extension and 4-H Team Up on ATV Safety

    June 26, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Improper use and lack of safety gear are the two major causes of ATV (all-terrain vehicle) crashes for both youth and adults. Ohio State University Extension and the National 4-H Council are teaming up this summer and fall t ...

  9. Producers Facing Hay Shortage, But Forage Options Aplenty

    June 27, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- Ohio producers may be facing a hay shortage this season due to dry conditions, but other forage and grazing alternatives exist to feed livestock. Steve Boyles, an Ohio State University Extension livestock specialist, said th ...

  10. Under Dry Conditions, Toxic Plants May Attract Livestock

    July 3, 2007 COLUMBUS, Ohio-- What green foliage that is thriving in Ohio's moisture-starved pasturelands may not necessarily be healthy for the livestock feeding on it. Steve Boyles, an Ohio State University Extension beef specialist, encourages pro ...
