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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Human and Animal Interactions: New Zealand Education Abroad Info Session #1


  2. ADM Ag Services Scholarships

    Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM), a world leader in agricultural processing, is awarding $1,000 scholarships to select college students who plan to enter an operations career in an ag-related field. To be considered for a scholarship, students must: · ...

  3. Mobility

    Image retrieved 8 February 2016 from Popular Science Monthly, Modern Publishing Co., New York, Vol. 88, No. 3, March 1916, p. 105 on Google Books Websites Wikipedia:  social mobility  (pay attention to the li ...

  4. Ohio Holstein Women's Scholarship

    The Ohio Holstein Women’s Scholarship is dedicated to the encouragement of deserving and qualified persons with a high school degree and with a dairy background to obtain an Associates, Bachelor’s or Masters Degree, or to start-up and continue in the dair ...

  5. College Scholarship Application

    All students in the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences are encouraged to fill out the College Scholarship Application for the 2015-16 academic year by February 15. Students only need to fill out one application to be eligible for mo ...

  6. 4-H News and Notes: February 5, 2016

    Dear 4-H members, parents, and advisors- Listed below are a few important 4-H updates and reminders.  Please click the links below for more details. ...

  7. Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic


  8. February 8, 2016


  9. Buckeye Dairy Club Spring Social


  10. Pork Industry Scholarship

    Tthe 2016-2017 Pork Industry Scholarship application period is now open!   All college juniors and seniors who plan to pursue a career in swine production management or a related field, or will be seeking to attend graduate school and major in a disciplin ...
