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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Public Speaking and 4-H

    It is no secret that most people have a great fear of public speaking.  Most people would say verbal communication skills are an important part of our daily lives.  I use public speaking skills each day at work when I am on the phone with a donor, talking ...

  2. Winter Issue 2015


  3. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share opinions about changes in your community.  Learn more about how Ohio State University Extension can help at ...

  4. Youth Protection Training


  5. Camp Counselor Meeting is Cancelled Due to Weather


  6. Specialty Pumpkin Grant Received

    By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator Thanks to a grant from the Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program, the Ohio State University South Centers Horticulture program has been researching pumpkin cr ...

  7. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center Recap

    By: Christie Welch, OCDC Program Manager and Brad Bergefurd, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator 2014 was a year of growing cooperatives in Ohio and West Virginia. The Ohio Cooperative Development Center (OCDC) at the OSU South Centers worked w ...

  8. Hands-on Horticulture

    Extension Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator Developing West Africa’s food-production capabilities in an environmentally sustainable manner is important to ensure the contine ...

  9. 2014 Horticulture Research and Extension Achievements

    By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator Urban food hub organized and formed in 2014 A food hub to strengthen the local food system and increase access to healthy food in the Cincinnati area was formed in 2014 with support fr ...

  10. Strawberry winter protection technique saves thousands in crop losses from polar vortex

    By: Brad Bergefurd, MS, Horticulture Specialist and Extension Educator Thanks to a grant from the Ohio Vegetable and Small Fruit Research and Development Program, strawberry winter protection techniques researched for Ohio conditions proved to help keep s ...
