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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Regional Crop Updates: August 6-12, 2024

    Disease pressure remains relatively low across the state as cooler temperatures continue for a few more days. Main field activities this past week included fungicide applications in corn and soybeans, second- and third-cutting hay, and tiling in harvested ...

  2. Farm Science Review Agronomy College Sept 10

    Ohio State University Extension and the Ohio AgriBusiness Association will again partner to hold the Farm Science Review Agronomy College on Sept. 10. The event is designed to educate agronomists, Certified Crop Advisers, custom applicators and farmers on ...

  3. 2024-27


  4. Weed Control via Cover Crops

    Cover crops can suppress weeds and complement other integrated weed management tactics to fight herbicide resistant weeds. These plots compared 7 cover crop treatments for weed control. Treatment list (from West to East): Rye (50 lbs/ac) Hairy vetch (20 l ...

  5. Cover Crop Seeding Methods

    Timely fall cover crop establishment is a challenge for Ohio growers. These plots compare four cover crop seeding treatments. All treatments were applied in mid to late June following wheat under no-till conditions. Treatment list (West to East): Drone Co ...

  6. ServSafe Manager's Certification Exam

    Click  ServSafe Flyer  to register today. The ServSafe® program provides accurate, up-to-date information for all levels of employees on handling of food, from receiving and storing to preparing and serving. Upon successful completion of the course and ex ...

  7. ServSafe Manager's Certification Course

    Click  ServSafe Flyer  to register today. The ServSafe® program provides accurate, up-to-date information for all levels of employees on handling of food, from receiving and storing to preparing and serving. Upon successful completion of the course and ex ...

  8. ServSafe Manager's Certification Course

    Click  ServSafe Flyer  to register today. The ServSafe® program provides accurate, up-to-date information for all levels of employees on handling of food, from receiving and storing to preparing and serving. Upon successful completion of the course and ex ...

  9. Lep Monitoring Network – News on Fall Armyworm (FAW), WBC and CEW, Update # 16

    Today rounds out our 16 th week of monitoring for Ohio pests at the Lep Network. This past week, we have seen a sharp decline in WBC numbers and are continuing to see a low average for CEW. Since we are nearing the end of scouting season for WBC, expect t ...

  10. A Wetter Pattern Returns But Drought Persists

    Climate Summary NOAA will release its final July climate statistics and rankings on Thursday August 8, but the July monthly average temperature was close to normal (a bit below average in the west and above average in the east). Drier than average conditi ...
