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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Managing Stress with Diet


  2. Guillermo Valero David

    Guillermo Valero David Patrick S. Osmer Fellow, PhD (Slot) Kottman Hall, Columbus Bachelors degree, Agronomy, Plant Protection, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Current, Ph.D. student Plant Pathology Patrick S. Osmer SROP Fellow 2 ...

  3. Sewing Workshop

    OSU Extension in Hardin County is hosting monthly sewing workshops between December and April for children in 3 rd  grade through adults. Students in 3 rd-6 th  grades are encouraged to bring an adult helper with them. Class size is limited to 12 particip ...

  4. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland


  5. Timothy Frey

    Timothy Frey 2024. Frey, TS; Huo, DW; Lopez, MM; Ritter, B; Lindsey, LE; Ponce, MSB. Fungal Communities Associated with Corn in a Diverse Long-Term Crop Rotation in Ohio. Phytorontiers  4: 183-15. 2023. Bernardo P; Barriball K; Frey TS; Meulia T; Wangai A ...

  6. Amilcar Vargas

    Amilcar Vargas Research Associate 2-B/H Selby Hall, Wooster MS Plant Pathology, Ohio State BS Agriculture, Escuela Agrícola Panamericana “Zamorano” Honduras Studies on seedborne diseases of soybeans Activities Plant Pathology Graduate ...

  7. 4-H Camp Counselor Interviews

    Dear 4-H Member, As an Upperclassman (10-12 grade) you are eligible to serve as a Hardin County 4-H Camp Counselor.  Even if you don’t have any camp experience, this is a great opportunity to develop leadership, teaching, and teamwork skills.  Please see ...

  8. 4-H Camp Counselor Applications Due

    Dear 4-H Member, As an Upperclassman (10-12 grade) you are eligible to serve as a Hardin County 4-H Camp Counselor.  Even if you don’t have any camp experience, this is a great opportunity to develop leadership, teaching, and teamwork skills.  Please see ...

  9. Wanderson Bucker Moraes

    Wanderson Bucker Moraes List of Publications Published 34 articles, 8 book chapters, and 147 conference papers and abstracts; and gave 23 invited talks or oral presentations at national and international conferences. Click here to see Curriculum Vitae wit ...

  10. Cecilia Chagas de Freitas

    Cecilia Chagas de Freitas Journal Publications Domiciano, G.; Cacique, I,; Freitas, C.; Filippi, M.; Damatta, F.M.; Vale, F.; Rodrigues, F. Alterations in gas exchange and oxidative metabolism in rice leaves infected by Pyricularia oryzae are attenuated b ...
