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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Lake States Fire Science Consortium April Webinar

    The Lake States Fire Science Consortium presents Ontario's New Wildland Fire Management Strategy: Fiirst Year of Appropriate Response Implementatioin with Dave Heaman, Fire Science and Planning Speccialist, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. To l ...

  2. Ohio Local Foods Week

    For more information on Ohio Local Foods Week, visit the Local Foods Signature Program web site. Like the Ohio Local Foods Week Facebook page. ...

  3. Buckeye Summit

    The Buckeye Summit, Convnening for Change, with the inaugural topic of Food Security. The Buckeye Summit is a new paradigm for engagement. The summit is an interactive town hall, with break-out sessions and group discussions where you will contribute your ...

  4. 2016 State Food Policy Summit

    This year the Summit will feature nationally recognized experts and address a range of state food policy topics such as state legislative trends from across the country, the upcoming farm bill, and federal initiatives around nutrition and health. Please j ...

  5. HireOhio Alumni Career Fair

    An alumni-only career fair that give alumni the opportunity to meet with recruiters from leading employers and network with area alumni at the HireOhio Career Fair, hosted by The Ohio State University. This Alumni Career Fair will be held at the Ohio Unio ...

  6. Mission and Vision

    Mission The Ohio State University Agricultural Technical Institute provides educational programs leading to associate degrees in agriculture, horticulture, environmental sciences, business, and engineering technology. With a high value placed on lifelong ...

  7. EEDS Program Director Recognized for Service

    Dr. Neil Drobny, Fisher College of Business and Program Director for SENR's  Environment, Economy, Development and Sustainability (EEDS)  major awarded the 2013 Undergraduate Service Award.  ...

  8. Sarah Jane Rose's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    Sarah Jane Rose, PhD candidate in Ecological Restoration, will present 'Unravelling a Complex Web – What We Know about Spiders and Disturbance' for her Doctoral Scholarly Seminar.  The seminar will begin at 11:00 a.m. in 333 Kottman Hall with a ...

  9. The SENR 2016 Graduate Symposium

    The SENR 2016 Graduate Symposium will be held in 333 Kottman Hall. ...

  10. How Physical Amenities Relate to the Mental Well-being of Columbus Residents

    Kori Goldberg will present her honors presentation on Wednesday (4/13) from 2 PM in 370 Kottman Hall. Her presentation is How Physical Amenities Relate to the Mental Well-being of Columbus Residents. Faculty Advisor:  Jeremy Brooks ...
