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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Planning for a Successful Timber Harvest- for Woodland Owners in southeastern Ohio

    Selling timber isn’t something that woodland owners should take lightly. Ohio State University Extension, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (divisions of Forestry and Soil and Water), Glatfelter, and Ohio’s State Implementation Committee of the Sus ...

  2. Farm Forum Meeting

    Auditor David Graham Shares CAUV Update        Greene Co. Auditor David Graham will share the latest information on the Current Agriculture Use Value (CAUV) tax program at the Monday Jan. 26 meeting of Greene Co. Farm Forum. The meeting will be held at Un ...

  3. Summer 2014 Student Internships

    Internships are a great way for students to apply what they are learning in the classroom to a professional working environment. They also help students determine if their chosen career path is the right fit. Students majoring in Environment, Economy, Dev ...

  4. CED Quarterly Meeting- held by region


  5. SENR Seminar Series

    The SENR Seminar Series welcomes Gerald Blazey, Acting Associate Vice President for Research and Innovation, Northern Illinois University. His presentation will be Science Policy in the White House. The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m in 164 Howlett Hall ...

  6. 2015 OPRA Student Conference

    SENR is extending an invitation to our students to attend the Ohio Parks and Recreation Association 2015 OPRA Conference for professional development and networking which includes a student session on Monday, February 2, 2015. SENR will cover your $10 reg ...

  7. 4-H Market Beef Weigh-In

    Each 4-H and FFA member that will be showing a market beef animal in the 2016 will be required to attend this event. Letters will be sent out early November to all 2015 exhibitors. ...

  8. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  9. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...

  10. 4-H CARTEENs

    The "Car" in CARTEENS stands for "Caution and Responsibility", and "Teens" refers to the teenagers who help prepare and present the program. In the CARTEENS program, 4-H teen leaders teach traffic education safety programs to ...
