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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. King Smith committee member meeting

    Room 100 (Wooster) Nate P. King-Smith.8 LJ Monday, January 20, 2025- 10:30am to 11:30am ...

  2. Owl Crew

    219 Kayla Kruse kw Repeats every week every Thursday until Fri Apr 18 2025. Thursday, January 30, 2025- 3:00pm to 6:00pm Thursday, February 6, 2025- 3:00pm to 6:00pm Thursday, February 13, 2025- 3:00pm to 6:00pm Thursday, February 20, 2025- 3:00pm to 6:00 ...

  3. Dr. Andre Sbrissia

    Dr. Andre Sbrissia Visiting Fellow Kottman Hall PhD Pasture Agronomy- University of Sao Paulo (2004) MSc Pasture Agronomy- University of Sao Paulo (2000) BS Agronomy- Federal University of Paraná (1998) I am currently faculty at ...

  4. Edison Cigany

    Edison Cigany Research Aide and Interviewer OPGC BS Sustainable Plant Systems – The Ohio State University (2024) AS Mechanical Engineering Technology – University of Akron (2021) I currently manage the tissue culture collection at OPGC. I ...

  5. Starlab

    202 John T kw Friday, January 10, 2025- 2:00pm to 4:00pm ...

  6. It's Time for 4-H!

    4-H enrollment for Champaign County is now open, and what better time to come & learn about what our program is all about...just in time for a new season of fun! Your local 4-H team is hosting a kickoff & family fun night on January 19th, from 4:0 ...

  7. Lorrayne Miralha

    202 kw Friday, January 10, 2025- 10:00am to 11:00am ...

  8. Maria Kessler

    Maria Kessler MS (Lindsey, L.) Columbus I'm anticipating graduating Spring 2027 Research Focus: My research will focus on determining updated soybean replant thresholds and developing a tool to help farmers evaluate the costs and ...

  9. Dr. Emma Matcham

    Dr. Emma Matcham Assistant Professor- Integrated Forage Systems 60% Extension | 40% Research (614) 247-0032 Kottman Hall (224) PhD Agronomy- University of Wisconsin (2022) MS Horticulture & Crop Science- The Ohio State University (20 ...

  10. AV System Overview Training

    219 KW Friday, January 10, 2025- 10:00am to 11:00am ...
