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Government Affairs

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Exploring Sustainability: SUSTAINS LC Seminar

    ENR 1200 This seminar course is designed for SUSTAINS Learning Community students to explore their interests within sustainability, learn about opportunities to be involved in campus and local community sustainability efforts, and connect with campus part ...

  2. Environmental and Natural Resources Policy

    ENR 3200 This course covers topics such as the constitutional foundations of environmental policy, the role of congress and the executive branch in designing policy and bureaucratic agencies in implementing them, and the courts system as the final arbiter ...

  3. Graduate Exit Seminar- Lillian Daw Labus

    Plan to join Lillian Daw Labus's graduate exit seminar on November 21, 2024, at 9:00 am in Kottman Hall, Room 200 or  via Zoom. Lillian will present, "Nutrient and Dissolved Organic Matter Response to Harmful Algal Bloom Treatment by Ozone Nanob ...

  4. Graduate student recognized as Bridge Scholar

    Egondu Umeobi, a graduate student in the School of Environment and Natural Resources has been named a 2024 Bridge Scholar by the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America. The annual awards are prese ...

  5. Declines in plant resilience threaten carbon storage in the Arctic

    Decades of warming strains arctic ecosystem, imperils vegetation Rapid warming has impacted the northern ecosystem so significantly that scientists are concerned the region’s vegetation is losing the ability to recover from climate shocks, suggests a new ...

  6. Soil Health Research at The Ohio State University with Manbir Rakkar

    Soil Health Research at The Ohio State University with Manbir Rakkar, assistant professor of soil fertility and nutrient management in the School of Environment and Natural Resources discusses the role of soil health in nutrient management and ongoing soi ...

  7. Study at a Foreign Institution: Iceland

    ENR 5797.06 An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Students pay OSU and other fees. Prereq: Permission of dept chairperson. Undergraduate Graduate 3.0 ENR5790.06SP17syl.pdf ENR5797.06SU17 ...

  8. Study at a Foreign Institution: New Zealand

    ENR 5797.03 An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Students pay OSU and other fees. Prereq: Permission of resident director. Not open to students with 30 cr hrs or 2 completions of 5797 ( ...

  9. Study at a Foreign Institution: Australia

    ENR 5797.01 An opportunity for students to study at a foreign institution and receive Ohio State credit for that work. Students pay OSU and other fees. Au, Sp, Su Sems. Prereq: Permission of dept chairperson. Not open to students with 30 cr hrs or 2 compl ...

  10. Ellen Essman, J.D.

    Ellen Essman, J.D. OSU CFAES Government Affairs ...
