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Miami County Fair August 9-15
Please note our physical office will be closed August 9-15. We will have a booth at the Duke Lundgard Building. We look forward to seeing you out and about at the Miami County Fair! ...
Exploring Crop and Livestock Integration: Barriers and Benefits- Wayne County
Over the last 50 years, both crop and livestock production systems in the U.S. have become increasingly specialized and separated. A two-year Ohio State project has partnered with 31 working Ohio farms to examine the economic, ecological, and social impac ...
Sustainability Series III: What is the Deal with These Carbon Markets?
Dr. Kirby Krogstad, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University The first, and most important, thing to recognize is that carbon markets are not a new concept. Carbon market systems have been around since at least 1997 wh ...
Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices
April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State University Milk Prices Class III milk closing price for June was $19.87/cwt, with protein and butterfat prices at $2.05 and $3.54/lb, respectively. The Class III cl ...
Corn Silage Pricing
Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock, Ohio State University Extension Pricing Corn Silage Corn silage is the most economical forage ingredient in dairy cattle diets based upon Sesam ...
Corn Silage Harvest Safety Should Be Priority One
Jason Hartschuh, Assistant Professor, OSU Extension Field Specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock; and Chris Zoller, Interim Assistant Director, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Ohio State University Extension ...
Fall Forage Management
Dr. John Yost, Extension Educator, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Wayne County, Ohio State University Extension The fall is a critical time in our yearly forage management calendar. Regardless of how the growing season has progressed, your fall manage ...
Regional Corn Yield Forecasts for 2024: July 23 Outcomes
Corn growth and development are progressing well across most of the state (Figure 1), though recent reports indicated limited rainfall and dry soil conditions potentially leading to crop stress in some areas. Despite the wide range of growth and stages ac ...
Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 18- Planting Date and Weed Control Interactions
Episode 18 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In Episode 18, we are with Dr. Alyssa Essman, Weed Control Extension State Specialist, at the Western Agricultural Research Station in South Charleston, Ohio t ...