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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Corn Production-Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection

    The first Corn, Soybean  and Wheat Connection program is no available for viewing on line. The program features Dr. Peter Thomison, State Specialist Corn Production, Ohio State University Extension discussing  Optimizing Corn Yields-Assessing the Contribu ...

  2. 2014 Champaign and Union Agronomy Day

    For the first time the Champaign and Union County Extension offices will be hosting an Agronomy Day. This is an exciting opportunity to bring many of the agronomic state specialists from OSU to the local community. The day includes the following topics an ...

  3. Register now for the 2014 OABA Industry Conference

    The OABA Industry Conference combines three formerly separate conferences- the Crop Production Conference, The Seed Technology Conference and now includes the grain & feed focus for Thursday. If you haven’t registered yet for the Ohio AgriBusiness Ass ...

  4. Northern Ohio Crops Day February 6, 2014

    The Northern Ohio Crops Day will be held on February 6, 2014  8:30 am-3:00 pm at Ole Zim’s Wagon Shed,  1375 N. St. Rt. 590, Gibsonburg, Ohio.  Cost is $15 Admission plus $35 for Private Applicator License Recertification.  All categories will be covered ...

  5. USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Looking for your opinion on cover crops.

    If you currently use cover crops, this is your chance to report what works and doesn't work. If you don't use cover crops, tell us why not and help us understand where more scientific evidence is needed to encourage their adoption. We are seekin ...

  6. 2013 Soybean Product Evaluation Trials Available Online

    The purpose of the Ohio Soybean Product Evaluation Trials is to evaluate soybean products for stand and yield.  This evaluation gives soybean producers comparative information for selecting soybean products for their unique production systems.  During 201 ...

  7. Agronomy Webinars for Ohio Growers offered in 2014. First program January 14.

    Ohio State University Extension is offering three educational webinars called Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection for Ohio crop farmers and industry during January and February, 2014. The sessions will focus on corn production, soybean production and weed ...

  8. Agronomy Programming-January, 2014

    A wide range of agronomy programing will be offered across the state in the January through March time period. We hope you take advantage of several of these programs in 2014. For a complete list and any new additions see our calendar page at: https://agc ...

  9. Nominate Now your CCA of the Year

    Who is a CCA? The Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) program is the largest, most recognized agriculturally-oriented certification program in North America. This program’s professional standards are widely respected by industry, academia, and government and are ...

  10. We're the Ones Who Research

    Ben Rubinoff, a rising Junior in the Environmental Science Honors Program, is an intern with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (located in Maryland along the Chesapeake Bay). Ben is working on the  MarineGEO  initiative, a global Smithsonian p ...
