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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Policy Brief: The Time Is Ripe to Support Urban Agriculture

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  2. Sustainability Metrics

    ENR 3900 Addresses the use of metrics, data, and indicators to measure sustainability and track progress. The course will survey a broad range of environmental challenges and evaluate the choices confronting public and private groups. Students will use so ...

  3. Environment and Natural Resources Seminar

    ENR 8980 Required seminar for all MS and PhD graduate students in environment and natural resources. Au, Sp Sems. Prereq: Grad standing. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 cr hrs. This course is graded S/U.   Graduate 1.0 ENR 8980 SP22 Syllabus.pdf ENR 8980 AU ...

  4. Climate and Society

    ENR 7380 Examines links between climatic changes and human societies and examines social influences on our current state of knowledge, impacts, and potential responses. Au Sem. Prereq: Grad standing, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with ...

  5. Research in Environment and Natural Resources

    ENR 6000 The use of science and research to address natural resource problems; development of a thesis proposal. Au Sem. Prereq: Grad standing. Not open to students with credit for 800. This course is graded S/U. Graduate 2.0 ENR6000_AU2023_Syl.pdf ENR 60 ...

  6. Stream Ecology

    ENR 5280 Structure, function, and biota of streams and rivers. Emphasis on ecosystem processes and community dynamics over space and time. Conservation, restoration, water policy, and environment-justice issues are also addressed. Prereq: 3300, or Grad st ...

  7. Social Impact Assessment

    RURLSOC 5580 This course provides students with a broad understanding of the fundamental history, concepts, methods, and theories of Social Impact Assessment (SIA) as part of environmental policy and regulation in both US and International contexts. Stude ...

  8. Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems

    RURLSOC 5530 Overview of sociological theory and research related to agricultural change and food system development, focusing on individual, family, farm, community and environmental impacts. Au Sem. Prereq: 6 units in RurlSoc, Sociol, or related Social ...

  9. Diffusion of Innovations

    RURLSOC 5500 Examine the sociological processes involved in disseminating new ideas and technologies in U.S. and developing nations. Assess the consequences of new technologies for communities, households, and individuals particularly in rural contexts. A ...

  10. Social Groups in Developing Societies

    RURLSOC 3580 Contemporary experiences and activism of rural social groups in the context of development and globalization in the Global North and South. Going beyond state boundaries, the course studies the emergence of new development actors, transnation ...
