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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Search results

Search results

  1. Breonna Shepherd, an AEDE fourth-year student, earns competitive scholarship to attend the Women in Agribusiness Summit

    The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) is excited to recognize Breonna Shepherd for earning a competitive scholarship to attend the recent Women in Agribusiness Summit held in Denver, Colorado in September. Sponsor ...

  2. AEDE Welcomes Research Assistant Professor Charity Troyer Moore

    The Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE) is excited to welcome our newest faculty member, Research Assistant Professor Charity Troyer Moore. Dr. Troyer Moore earned her Ph.D. in Agricultural, Environmental and Develo ...

  3. Monda Student Resource Center

    The Office of Student Life will open the Monda Student Resource Center (MSRC) to provide support for students' essential needs in a one-stop location. Ohio State has many university programs and community partnerships to meet essential needs of stude ...

  4. Guilherme Signorini

    Guilherme Signorini Courtesy Appointment 225 Howlett Hall Ph.D. 2015 Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University M.S. 2013 Agricultural Economics, Michigan State University B.Eng. 2008 Agronomic Engineering, University of Sao Pau ...

  5. Shooting Sports Organizational Meeting


  6. New 4-H Year Begins: 4Honline Enrollment is OPEN!


  7. 4-H Holiday Craft Program


  8. 4-H Recognition Night


  9. University of Glasgow Vet School

    FEEPASS (Facilitated Early Entry Program for Animal Science Students) is a joint program between Ohio State and the University of Glasgow that allows our Animal Science students to enter veterinary school one year early. If accepted your sophomore or juni ...

  10. 4-H in the classroom

    If you are interested in Real Money, Real World, STEM, Chick Quest or another 4-H school program for your classroom let us know here! Have questions? Reach out to our Program Assistant Amy Nalley at School Programming Interest Survey ...
