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Native plants for sale
The Plant Pathology Graduate Students Association has native plants for sale at clearance prices, including including wild bergamot (few pots), bufferfly weed (few small pots), blue sage (Salvia azurea, several pots), Ohio spiderwort (less than 10, really ...
As a leader it is important to know what talents you possess, that you bring to the leadership table. Do you know what strengths you possess? Every leader possesses her/his own unique set of talents. According to the Gallup Organization, "we spend ...
Your Pond Update from Eugene Braig
OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION in PDF format Your Pond (and Fish) Emerging from a Potent Winter It’s been too long since I’ve provided one of these articles. As always, please, feel free to drop me a line at any time with any of your pond, water, fish, ...
2012: Peer Reviewed Journal Articles, Bold = Department of Plant Pathology Anco, D.J., Madden, L.V., and Ellis, M.A.. 2012. Effects of temperature and wetness duration on the sporulation of Phomopsis viticola on infected grape canes. Plant Health Progres ...
First Day of Autumn Classes
Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security
Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security
Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security
Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security
Pest and Disease Diagnostics for Intl Trade and Food Security