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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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  1. Update on Ohio Livestock Care Standards

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  2. CD Weekly Wire- November 25, 2013

    AD Update: Planning for the December 3 Unit Meeting It is hard to believe we are just a few short days away from the Thanksgiving break. Add in our December 3 unit meeting and Extension Annual Conference at the Ohio Union on December 4 and we’ll be pushin ...

  3. Citation Help

    Citation Help (MLA)     Commonly accepted facts do not need to be cited (The sky is blue.)     Cite ideas that are not your own, whether you paraphrase or directly quote them     Cite things within your paper (in-text) and at the end (Works Cited page)    ...

  4. 2013 Farm Bill Update- November 2013


  5. Records Management

    The Ohio State University General Records Retention Schedule as of March 15 2013 Ohio State’s General Records Retention Schedule (General Schedule) accounts for the management and disposition of university record series that are common to many units acros ...

  6. Reports

    Annual Report The annual report gives a snapshot of the library for the year and includes statistics from every facet of the library including traffic count, collection, ILL (InterLibrary Loan), A-V, circulation, reference, instruction, tutorials, etc. 20 ...

  7. Conflict over Cooperation: Why So Much Disagreement over the Proposed Dairy Market Stabilization Program?


  8. CD Weekly Wire- November 4, 2013

    AD Update: Care and Nurturing of a High-Performing Team It’s been nearly three weeks since we met in Cleveland for our Fall CD Retreat and I am still reflecting on the experience. A quick review of the post-program evaluation data reinforces my personal a ...

  9. Ohio House introduces bill to repeal Ohio estate tax

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  10. Global Climate Change Policy: Extractive Industry Impacts and Response

    Jeff Hopkins, Principal Adviser for International Energy and Climate Policy at Rio Tinto, presented on October 29, 2013 as part of the AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. His presentation focused on climate change policy as experienced by an internatio ...
