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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Wayne County 4-H / Jr. Fair Text Alerts

    Wayne County 4-H / Jr. Fair Text Alerts Wayne County 4-H and the Senior Fair Board have partnered together to provide text messaging alerts and updates for the 4-H and Junior Fair programs. Youth, parents, volunteers, other family members, alumni, auction ...

  2. Ohio 4-H Conference- registration due


  3. Coshocton County Market Steer weigh-in


  4. Ohio State Fair- Market Beef DNA due


  5. Dense human population is linked to longer urban coyote survival

    Study finds access to nature isn’t key to animals’ success in the city COLUMBUS, Ohio – Tracking coyote movement in metropolitan areas shows the animals spend lots of time in natural settings, but a new study suggests the human element of city life has a ...

  6. Let’s Go! Owl Prowl set for Jan. 31

    Discover all there is to know about Ohio owls at Owl Prowl- a family friendly evening event! Owl crafts, tasty hot drinks and educational activities planned  “With winter being mating season for several Ohio owl species this is an excellent time to host t ...

  7. Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop- Optimizing Herd Reproduction and Profitability

    RSVP To OSU Extension Holmes County at 330-674-3015 by January 31, 2025 *Limited to first 50 attendees* Lunch and Materials Included. Dress for hands-on demonstrations.  ...

  8. Ohio Beef Cow/Calf Workshop- Optimizing Herd Reproduction and Profitability

    RSVP To OSU Extension Holmes County at 330-674-3015 by January 31, 2025 *Limited to first 50 attendees* Lunch and Materials Included. Dress for hands-on demonstrations.  ...

  9. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery


  10. Beef School- High Cattle Prices and Drought Recovery

