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College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


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Search results

  1. Science of Agriculture Open House, Wooster


  2. 4-H Volunteer Training

    Educational Service Center Website This is a 'regional' training opportunity for both new and returning 4-H volunteers. Hancock County 4-H volunteers are required to participate in continued training each year and this session will meet those qu ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Archives


  4. Orientation for New 4-H Advisory Council Members


  5. CFAES Memories with Stepahnie Verhoff


  6. Field to Faucet Initiative


  7. 2016 OARDC Agronomy Workshop: Feb. 16th- Field Crops Management 401

    8:30 Check-in, coffee & donuts 9:00 How to Use and Interpret Statistics - Drs. Steve Culman & Pierce Paul 10:00 Wheat and Corn Pathology - Dr. Pierce Paul 10:30 Break 10:45 Troubleshooting Corn Ear Abnormalities - Dr. Peter Thomison 11:15 Corn Roo ...

  8. 2015-40


  9. How do Corn Hybrids With and Without Various Transgenic Traits Perform?

    According to the USDA-Economic Research Service in 2015, 85% of the state’s corn acreage was planted to transgenic corn hybrids with 68% of total acreage planted to stacked trait hybrids ( However, many corn gro ...

  10. Workshop Registration for February 15th & 16th OARDC Field Crop Management Days

    Two Agronomy Workshops will be held February 15 and 16, 2016 at Selby Hall on the Ohio State University OARDC Wooster campus from 8:30 to 3:45. Field Crops Management 201 – a basic to general look at the topics Field Crops Management 401 – builds on day o ...
